MERKADA - You often hear hemorrhoids or piles? Or just never experienced it? Actually, what is the difference hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid? What causes this disease?
Specialist Doctors, Ari Fahrial, MD.PhD, FACP of the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Indonesia, explained hemorrhoids or piles are basically the same, no difference. Hemorrhoids or piles is a protrusion of the blood vessels around the anus.
"Hemorrhoids occur when straining during defecation (the process of spending the remnants of digestion in the form of feces or feces are expelled through the anus)," he told Republika Online, last weekend.
He added hemorrhoids or piles occur due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (in the stomach). Hemorrhoids are also caused by exercise of excessive weight lifting, the workout that emphasizes the heavy load, which typically aim to achieve in the sport of weightlifting. In addition, the disease is also caused by a genetic disorder in which the plexus hemoroidales not berkatup.
Doctor Ari added in addition to genetic factors, heredity can also cause hemorrhoids, namely the existence of blood disorders. And for patients who are too much sitting or standing too vulnerable too often experienced hemorrhoids. Even pregnant women are also at risk of suffering from hemorrhoids.
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